An Interactive Novel

Shard of Sight

Shard of Sight
Role Damage
Total XP for Level 2 500 Level 2 Bonus Physical +1 Magical +1
Total XP for Level 3 1000 Level 3 Bonus Physical +2 Magical +2
Hide (Sacrifice) Avoid being hit by all enemies for a turn. Must be used prior to an enemy drawing for target. If damage dealt is greater than the hide amount, full damage is dealt.
Aimed Shot (Flush) Deal physical or magical damage to a single target fro the amount of the cards plus either physical or magical bonus plus 10. Must have a bow equipped. If both Straight and Flush abilities are activated simultaneously, both physical and magical bonuses apply.
Barrage (Straight) Deal physical or magical damage to all enemies for the total amount of the cards plus either physical or magical bonus. Must have a bow equipped. If both Straight and Flush abilities are activated simultaneously, both physical and magical bonuses are apply.
Assassin’s Shot (3 of a Kind) Deal physical or magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards played plus both physical and magical bonus plus 20. Must have a bow equipped. If target’s HP is reduced to zero, take an additional turn immediately