An Interactive Novel

Shard of Stone Hands

Shard of Stone Hands
Role Damage
Total XP for Level 2 1000 Level 2 Bonus Physical +4
Total XP for Level 3 2000 Level 3 Bonus Physical +6
Focus (Sacrifice) Increase physical bonus for one turn by the amount of the card sacrificed.
Brilliant Strike (Flush) Deal physical damage to a target equal to the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Recover hit points equal to the total amount of damage done.
Augment (Straight) Hold one card in the field while discarding the other two. Draw a card and place a card from your hand into the field with no effect.
Numbing Fist (3 of a Kind) Deal physical damage to a single target for the amount of the cards plus physical bonuses plus 10. Target is Numb for 1 turn.