An Interactive Novel

Shard of the Defender

Shard of the Defender
Role Shield
Total XP for Level 2 1000 Level 2 Bonus Defense +3
Total XP for Level 3 2000 Level 3 Bonus Defense +7
Valiance (Equip) Can use Defense for Physical Bonus instead of Physical. Must have Shield Equipped.
Courageous Strike (Flush) Deal physical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus plus 10. One card remains in the field while the other two are discarded.
Gallant Offensive (Straight) Deal physical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards. The target is stunned.
Valorous Defender (3 of a Kind) Sacrifice HP upon commencing this move. Deal damage to all enemies for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus plus the amount of hit points sacrificed. All enemies attack you for the remainder of the encounter. Skip your next turn.