An Interactive Novel

Shard of Vision

Shard of Vision
Role Damage, Manipulative
Total XP for Level 2 1000 Level 2 Bonus Physical +3 Magical +3
Total XP for Level 3 2000 Level 3 Bonus Physical +5 Magical +5
Hide (Sacrifice) Avoid being hit by all enemies for a turn. Must be used prior to an enemy drawing for target. If damage dealt is greater than the hide amount, full damage is dealt.
Blunt Arrow Deal physical damage to a target equal to the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Targeted enemy must discard a card from their field if able. Must have a bow equipped.
Sparkling Arrow Deal magical damage to a target equal to the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Target ally plays a card into their field for no effect. Must have a bow equipped.
Brilliant Arrow Deal physical or magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus either physical or magical bonus. All allies play a card into the field for no effect. Hold one card in your field while discarding the remaining two. Must have a bow equipped.