An Interactive Novel



Goddess of Illumination- deceased

Realm: Solerria

Faction: The Solbohn

Neralil was the Goddess of Illumination who met her fateful end during the War of the Gods, when she was stabbed the Seraphim warrior Zilara with the God-killer. Banished to the void after driving an entire sub-realm of Tangresia into a war that overloaded the soul production with her sister, Neralil was a strong and willful leader with her followers, the Solbohn, heavily steadfast in their devotion and strength.

The followers of Neralil are adept in strengthening their skin and their resolve, possessing abilities that allow them to become much more durable and healthy. The most adept of her followers are able to channel their energy inward and disperse it as needed to restore the power of their allies and strengthen their bonds.
