An Interactive Novel

Dorveaux Mansion

The Foyer

Merevo joins the Party (NPCs act similar to enemies. Consult the rules for more information: Rules and Systems).


You walk away from the Slave Quarters and over to the center of the courtyard with the large mansion in front of you. Merevo walks in front of you and looks at the door as the magic dissipates from around it. “Something isn’t right with any of this,” announces Merevo before turning to gaze at you. “Every evil that we have faced so far will probably not be comparable to what they have stored inside this mansion.” He steps to the side of the door and looks on closely as the green light fades from the door.


The front door opens slowly once all of the light and magic fades away. You turn and look, seeing a very pale, white hand opening the door slowly from inside of the mansion. You affix your gaze on the door, seeing a small, young girl standing in the doorway with a similar appearance to the young boy from the other buildings. You immediately notice her pale skin, blonde hair, and stark white eyes as she glides out of the door and onto the landing.


She stands outside the mansion and shields her eyes from the sun as it glares down upon you from above. “It’s so bright,” she says faintly while trying to look at you.


Merevo steps in front of you and looks at the young girl, preparing for her to morph into some creature that could potentially cause you a great deal of harm. “The sun is always bright at this time of day,” Merevo states sarcastically. “How long have you been away from it, young lady?”


“It’s been quite some time,” she says while still standing on the steps that lead up into the mansion. “I think it’s been at least a thousand years, though I’m sure it’s been a lot more than that. I lost count after a while and my father refused to keep track of time.”


Merevo looks back at you and nods, alerting you to be prepared for whatever is to come from this young girl. “What is this place?” he asks while keeping his eyes on you. He turns back to look at the young girl as she slowly adjusts her face to the outside world.


“This is the Dorveaux Plantation and this is the mansion for my family,” she explains while removing her hands from in front of her face after adjusting to the bright light. “My family are some of the wealthiest people in all of Dun-I and the founders of Sunshire, a city devoted to the worship of our Goddess, Saeria.”


“So the Dorveaux’s created Sunshire?” Merevo questions as he steps toward the young girl. “Sunshire has been a city that has been around for thousands of years.”


“Then that’s how old I am,” she retorts. “I remember when my father, Regulus Dorveaux, would take his servants and farmhands to the shore of the river and trade with the merchants who would come through on their way to Werz or on their way up the channels to the other cities. He would sell them his goods, trading with them to get other things until eventually, the trading post of Sunshire was created.”


“My father was so happy and after a couple of years, the trading post sprawled out into a very large city,” she reminisces with you and Merevo locking eyes with her. “My father was so happy and so was our Goddess. Even while the War of the Gods was occurring, she was flourishing and it was because of my father. What he did for her cannot go unspoken, and it’s because of his love, devotion, and brilliance, that she offered him the role that he’s taken up now.”


She looks down at the ground while she breathes slowly. “I was sacrificed so that I could protect the mansion from the likes of anyone who dared to sever the link between worlds.” She looks up at you with a now glowing set of red eyes. “I will defend this plantation with my soul if I have to.”


Commence Battle with The Dorveaux Daughter


The young girl drops to one knee as a smile creeps over her face. She vanishes into the air, leaving you standing there with Merevo, wondering what could be next. The door to the house is still open and, with an incredible uneasiness about you, you walk toward it. Merevo, feeling bewildered, places his hand in the air and fires off a white orb high into the sky. “Please see that,” he whispers before ushering you into the mansion.


Once inside, the door slams behind you. You run over to it and turn the brass knobs, hoping to hear the pins turn and the door open. The door is stuck with Merevo standing in the center of the room examining it closely. In the center of the room against the far wall, a pair of pale white double doors are positioned with a green glowing aura around them. To the left, you a see a set of brown double doors with the same green aura around them as from the plantation. To the right, a single door is in the wall with a green aura around it. “Are we trapped?” asks Merevo while browsing through the room. “Surely there is a door here somewhere for us to go through.”


“There isn’t,” says the young girl as she rises up through the floor boards to stand in front of you. Her eyes are still glowing red and her skin is just as pale. She hovers a few feet in the air with the air around her circulating. Her clothes are moving about as well as her hair. She looks down at you as a pair of wings emerge from her back, followed by a set of small horns from the brow of her head. She lets out a loud screech before charging toward you with claws on her hands.


Commence Battle with Mansion Demon


The daughter’s body transforms back into its original form. She’s arching her back while looking up at the ceiling. Her body is floating in the air as a smile comes over her face. “She told me this day would eventually come,” the young girl mutters as she floats harmlessly in the air. “My goddess told me that, one day, the reaper would come for me and that peace would be soon to follow.” The young girl pauses as the smile on her face grew. “I think she was right.”


The young girl fades away into the air, leaving you standing in the center of the large room with Merevo. The green aura around the single door on the right disappears, leaving you with a path forward into the mansion. Behind you, the door to the outside opens up, allowing you an exit as well.


You walk through the single door on the right. Once inside, you find yourself standing on a wooden floor with several lanterns to your left and windows on your right. The windows aren’t letting in much light, as they’re frosted over with dust and other grime. The room is dark, save what little light is coming in from the windows. As you take your first steps in the room, the lanterns on the left side of the room come to life. The room is now brightly lit by the lanterns that are hanging on the wall.


In between the lanterns on the wall, you notice beautiful paintings hanging prominently that have three children with their mother and father. “There are three children?” asks Merevo. “Will we have to fight the other two?”


He breathes heavily before walking past the paintings with you behind you. You make it to the end of a hallway and turn left, finding yourself looking out a single wooden door. You breathe slowly as you reach forward with Merevo at your side. You place your hand on the brass knob and turn it slowly, pulling the door open to reveal a very large dining room that went all the way back to the back wall.


You walk into the room and look around, admiring the wooden table and the brass candlesticks followed up by the immense glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Three paintings are on the wall, each depicting one of the three children; two girls and one boy. The one girl you recognize clearly as the daughter you just defeated while the other two you are still hazy about.


You walk past the table and into a small sitting area where you find a large mantle over a fireplace, four leather chairs, and a beautiful table in the center of the room. Above the mantle, you see a large portrait of a beautiful, blonde woman standing proud and looking down on you. “I miss that day,” announces a voice coming from the dining room. You look back to see the woman from the painting walking toward you. She’s carrying a smile with her hourglass figure and blonde hair that is beautifully curled.


“I never thought I’d ever see anyone made of flesh walking these halls ever again,” says the woman as she stands in the small area between the seating area and the dining room. “It’s quite odd to see what humanity looks like now and how all of you dress. Those robes look quite... uncomfortable.”


“These robes are quite useful,” Merevo replies defensively. “They keep me warm. They help me conjure my spells. They’re quite handy, and on top of all of that, they are quite comfortable.” He pauses for a moment while the woman stares at him with an awkward glance. "You should see what my brother wears. Those are uncomfortable."


An overjoyed look comes over the face of the woman. She claps her hands together and smiles as she stares at the young mage in front of her. “Oh, conjuration and spells. I forgot what it was like utilizing the knowledge of the Gods. Tell me, how powerful are you?”


Merevo smirks while folding his arms. “Not as powerful as my brother, but I must say that I’m a whole lot smarter.” He pauses for a brief moment while looking over the older woman. "Why do you ask?"


The woman reaches into her pocket and pulls out a glowing yellow shard. “We were made aware a long time ago that the knowledge of the Gods was bound in a stone and then shattered. A few people have gotten lost and found their way here with these trinkets and, well, my husband and I aren’t ones to turn down the knowledge of the Gods. However, it does feel like blasphemy to hold something like this that has no connection to Saeria." She looks at the trinket and shrugs her shoulders. "I pray she’ll understand.”


“Has your Goddess seen you in possession of these shards?” asks Merevo.


The woman looks down solemnly. “I haven’t spoken to her since we created this stronghold,” she states softly. “She told us that this would be lonely and that immortality would be a struggle, but I never imagined how lonely I would be. Yes, I get to see my husband, but I miss my children and I miss my Goddess.” She pauses for a moment while placing her hands on her hips. “My name is Durosia Dorveaux, the matron of the Dorveaux family and this plantation. I am a servant of the Goddess of Darkness and Shadows, Saeria, and I will be damned if I allow any of you to move further toward the gateway.”


Commence Battle with Durosia Dorveaux


Durosia is breathing heavily as she steps back away from you. “I’m quite out of practice,” she says with a gleeful smile on her face while trying to catch her breath. “I wasn’t expecting a group of adventurers to be as strong as you all are.”


Merevo walks forward with a stern grimace across his face. “You said something about a gateway,” he says forcefully. “What gateway?”


“The link between Dun-I and the Realm of the Shadows, Surres,” she says with a smile. As the words slip off of her lips, the sitting room transforms before your eyes. In the far chair in the corner, Regulus Dorveaux is sitting with a glass of an amber liquid while Durosia is in the chair across from him. In chair closest to you, a man wearing black and grey robes with silver trim is sitting still. In the final chair, a young girl is sitting with an even younger girl, the one from earlier sitting in front of her with a young boy beside her.


“Do you understand what the Goddess is proposing, Regulus?” asks the man in the robes while leaning back in the chair. 


“Of course I do High Priest, but the cost is great,” counters Regulus. “I will happily make any sacrifice needed for my Goddess Saeria, and I’m sure Durosia would do the same, but I cannot ask my servants and staff and I especially cannot ask that of my children.”


The man in the robes held his gaze into the eyes of Regulus as the master leans forward. “Tell me, Archius, is there anyway we can do this without the children?” asks Regulus softly.


Archius, the High Priest of Saeria, closes his eyes and leans back in the chair. He stares at Regulus with a stoic gaze as he composes himself. “You’re willing to sacrifice your servants but not your children?”


Regulus breathes slowly as the statement from Archius. “He’s choosing the lesser of two evils, Archius,” inserts Durosia. “I’m not happy with either outcome, but if it comes to my servants, stable hands, and slaves or my children, I will choose my children without even a hint of strife.”


Regulus still leans forward in his chair as he allows his wife to speak for him. “I’m sorry, Durosia, but it will take the entire population of the plantation for this to succeed,” Archius states reluctantly. “The cost of immortality is not something that comes lightly. The bonds of sacrifice that are required come at a steep cost.”


“Mother, it will be alright,” states the oldest of the three children, the girl sitting in the chair. “I’m prepared to lay my life down for my Goddess, Saeria.”


“I am too,” remarks the boy at her feet, who was just slightly younger. “Whatever the Goddess needs, I will be glad to accommodate.”


Durosia shakes her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe my children are willing to sacrifice their lives for their Goddess.”


“We’re not sacrificing our lives, mother. We’re being given immortality,” quips the young boy with an earnest smile on his face. “Master Archius, what will come of our souls?”


Archius scoots forward in the chair and smiles. “Relias, your souls will be bound to Sunshire and this plantation. You and your older sister will have very important jobs, while your younger sister may have the most important of them all. However, we will need one more child to complete the binding.”


“Our stable master has a young boy,” states Regulus in a matter of fact tone. “I’m positive I can convince him to give him to us for the ritual.”


“That’s perfect,” says Archius. “By the end of this evening, the ritual will be complete and the entire population of this plantation will be immortal.”


The image fades away and you’re back to standing in the sitting room. However, unlike the past visages, Durosia did not reappear. However, on the floor, the yellow glowing shard remains. You lean down and pick it up.


Acquire One of the Following: Shard of the Cleric, Shard of Resurrection, Shard of Perception, Shard of the Initiate, Shard of the Trickster


You step back from the sitting area after hearing a loud gush of air coming from behind you. You turn to see three soldiers from earlier charging toward you. They're running at full speed, jumping over the large dining room table and engaging you in combat.


Commence Battle with Dorveaux Soldier x 3


The soldiers all vanish before you, leaving you standing still in the dining room. You look back in the sitting area, but cannot see a way through. You opt to head back toward the foyer of the mansion in the hopes that the pathway is open. You make your way through the hallway, turning right to head back down the hallway with the lanterns on the wall.


You make your way into the hallway and back into the foyer to find the doors directly across from you, the brown double doors, without the green aura around them. “That’s a good sign,” says an alert Merevo as he leads the way toward the door. He pauses briefly to look out the door to the outside, hoping to see his brother walking up. Without a trace of Jerikko, he continues his walk to the brown double doors. Merevo places both hands on the doors and pushes them open, revealing a very large ballroom.


The floor is constructed of the same wood from the foyer and three large chandeliers hang from the ceiling. Stairs leading up to the next level are against the wall while the large bay windows on the far side of the room are allowing in a tremendous amount of light from the afternoon sun. Several tables are in the center of the room as well as scattered about against the walls and as you walk through the room, you gain a sense that there was once a magnificent gala taking place here. “This is quite unexpected,” declares Merevo while leading the group into the ballroom. “Stay on your guard. There’s no telling when someone’s going to want to dance.”


As the words slips off of his lips, you hear loud footsteps coming from the stairs. You’re standing in the center of the room and turn to see Master Regulus Dorveaux walking down the stairs. He is a dashing, middle aged man, walking toward you with a well trimmed beard and regal clothing. “It’s about time you made it here,” he proclaims condescendingly as he struts down the stairs. “I was expecting the lot of you an hour ago.”


Merevo chuckles as he stares on at the old man. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting. We were continuously held up by the awkward bastions you had keeping this room secured.”


“Those awkward bastions gave their lives willfully to the Goddess Saeria." Regulus takes a moment and looks out at the bay windows and composes himself while you stand still with Merevo at your side. "Before our conversation continues, I will need to inform you that you will show her the utmost respect within these walls,” he decrees scornfully. “The Goddess will be revered and worshiped. Have I made myself clear?”


“Perfectly,” quips Merevo.


“Good,” continues Regulus as his feet touch the floor of the ballroom. “I must say, the lot of you must contain a great deal of power if you’ve made it this far. Archius thought that no one would be able to penetrate the fields, much less the plantation. You are all quite gifted.”


Merevo smiles while looking at the ground. “Oh, you’re just too kind,” he says with a hint of sarcasm.


“There’s no need to be crass,” counters Regulus. “Arrogance should not accompany your gifts.” He pauses for a moment and looks at you. You gaze into his eyes, feeling a presence taking over your mind. “Have you come to serve the Goddess? Have you come to devote your body and your soul to Saeria.”


You shake your head and close your eyes while keeping your sight on Regulus, who smirks at you. “I must ask, why are you here? What drove your ambition to invade my plantation and break into my home?”


Merevo reaches into a small satchel on his side and pulls out the book you handed him earlier. “These adventurers found this the Mayor’s Mansion in Sunshire. The magic that it discusses led us to the fields, which in turn, led us here. However, once we found the live captives in the Slave Quarters, we knew something dark and sinister was at play and needed to be dealt with.”


Regulus looks at the book in Merevo’s hand and shakes his head, ignoring the last comment he made. “I can’t believe Relias kept that,” he mutters softly. “I honestly thought the boy would’ve discarded that so no one would find our secrets.”


Merevo’s eyes opened wide as he turns to face you before looking back at Regulus with the same expression. “The Mayor of Sunshire is named Relias?”


“Yes, of course,” explains Regulus. “He’s my son. His mission was to ensure…” he stalls for a moment before sticking his hand out and creating a scene in the ballroom. Several of the servants were standing around with Archius, Durosia, and Regulus in front of them with his three children sitting in chairs off to the side.


The servants, stable hands, and slaves stand around nervously as they look on at their masters in front of them. “There’s no reason for any of you to be alarmed,” announces Regulus as he looks down upon the men and women in front of him, all people who serve him on the plantation. “I have a proposition for all of you. I have something that I know all of you crave and that none of you will turn away from.”


You look into the crowd, noticing the Silo Master leaning against the wall and the Stable Master standing in the center of the crowd with his arm around his son. The Slave Master, lurking in the back of the room, is holding several ropes in his hands with soldiers around him doing the same. “Every single one of us here, with the exception of Archius, are bound to Dun-I and our souls are destined to be sent to Vesya for distribution. There is a chance that she will cast your soul out and it will be given to another God for his or her sustenance.” He pauses momentarily while taking a sip from a small glass. “I know that there is a chance that my soul could be sent to the realm of Zailyne, where I will be used to serve him against my will. I’d rather have my insides ripped out for all of eternity than allow that to happen.”


He sits the glass down and moves to in front of the group. “High Priest Archius here has offered all of us an opportunity to serve Saeria for the rest of eternity,” he continues adamantly, preaching to the large group in the ballroom. “We will sacrifice our fleshy prisons and take complete control of our destinies. Our souls will be bound to this plantation and we will be forever linked with Saeria, our Goddess.”


“I’m offering you all immortality. I’m offering you all a chance to serve our Goddess forever,” he states proudly with a smile on his face. He waits for a few more brief moments, watching the crowd in front of him react positively. They cheer and clap, even the slaves who believe that this was the opportunity for their salvation. “Good,” he says softly. “Very good.”


He steps back toward Durosia and kisses her gently on the lips. “We will serve her forever,” she whispers to him softly while looking him directly in the eyes.


“I know,” he replies confidently before stepping to the side and allowing his wife to address the group.


“The plan will involve certain sacrifices and we will have to follow a strict set of parameters, but I believe it is something that we can achieve,” Durosia says confidently. “First, my two children, Relius and Drella, will be sent out of the plantation. Relius’s soul will be bound to the city of Sunshire where he will serve as the Mayor for all eternity. His mission will be to shepherd the souls of wayward travelers to the plantation, so that their souls can provide new sustenance for us and our Goddess. Drella will be sent to the Monastery and Cathedral, where she will do a much similar job. She will have her own gateway to Saeria there and she will funnel souls of those searching to join the clergy or searching for respite.”


You look over at Merevo as he stares at the scene. “I know,” he says to you with his eyes agape. “That cathedral doesn’t exist anymore. It’s now a hospital and asylum for those who have lost their minds.”


You nod and look back at the scene. “Both of our children will have difficult missions ahead of them, but are prepared to serve our Goddess. Our third child, our youngest child, will have her soul be the guardian of this mansion. Her soul will bind this mansion sealed so that we can protect the gateway while the son of our Stable Master will be binding the plantation and the quarters on the outside, where the bulk of you will take residence.”


The scene fades away and you turn to see that Regulus has walked back up the stairs. As you turn, the door at the top of the stairs closes. Four large men carrying large swords run in to strike you down where you are standing. 


Commence Battle with Dorveaux Soldier x 4


The soldiers’ bodies vanish into the air and you turn back to the stairs. “We have to follow him,” decrees a very anxious Merevo. He charges up the stairs first with you following closely behind you. He places his hand on the brass knobs and turns them quickly while pushing the doors open to reveal a long hallway. He pauses while looking down the hallway, seeing barriers preventing you from making it through to the end. You can see the far wall, but there is far too much debris for you to safely make it through.


There are two doors for you to go through, one on the left and one on the right. Both are open and it appears that the door on the left has a large bedroom in it while the door on the right is home to a parlor. Which direction will you head?


Into the Bedroom


Into the Parlor

The Bedroom

You opt to turn to the left and enter one of the bedrooms. You walk in to find that the room is very well kept up with the bed neatly made and all of the clothing put away in the wardrobe. The floors are still constructed of the same wood the rest of the mansion had, but a rug in the center of the floor provided a bit of warmth. The bed has four posts that point toward the ceiling at each corner. Tall windows at the far end of the room provide an optimal amount of light so that there are no dark places within the room.


As you walk in, the door closes gently behind you and you are enclosed in this bedroom. At the far end, you notice a door to the adjacent room open without anyone pushing on it, almost inviting you forward. Before stepping forward, you notice a grey mist forming around the bed, followed by a white aura. Apparitions appear on the bed, much as they have throughout the plantation. Archius, the High Priest of Saeria, is standing at the foot of the bed while Drella, the Dorveaux’s oldest daughter, is laying on it.


“Why must I spend eternity in a monastery?” she asks while looking up at the ceiling. “Can’t I spend it in Sunshire with Relias or here with you and my family?”


Achius smiles as he walks around the bed at sat down on the edge. He places his hand on her shin and pats it gently, trying his best to console her. “I’m sorry, but that cannot work, Drella,” he says in as comforting as a tone as possible. “We have to have the second point of entry for this plantation. We have to have the second gateway so that enough souls can sustain it. You and your brother have the two most important jobs.”


Drella sighs while keeping her eyes affixed above her. “But I won’t have my family,” she mutters softly, almost weeping.


“You’ll have your goddess,” comforts Archius. “And, because you’ll have access to the gateway, you’ll actually be able to talk to with Saeria and spend eternity with her. She will be there with you, unlike the rest of your family.” He pauses momentarily as she gazes up at him. “You and I will be the only ones who have direct contact with our Goddess. We will both be able to spend time with her and bask in her love and affection.”


Drella places her head back down on the pillow and remains silent for a few moments, before finally breaking it with questions about her actual role in this plan. “What will I have to do?”


“As people travel to the monastery and cathedral, you will usher them to the gateway where their souls will be removed from their bodies and their bodies will turn to dust,” explains Archius. “Peasants seeking guidance. Travelers seeking respite. Anyone who comes into the cathedral can be used for this purpose. You can’t turn everyone, so you will have to take care, but every few weeks, a new soul will need to go through the gateway.”


“So I will be responsible for my family’s survival?” she asks.


“You’ll be responsible for all of our survival,” answers Archius.


The apparitions disappear, leaving you standing in the room with Merevo looking at the bed. “So they have to continuously provide souls to keep the magic functioning,” sayz Merevo as he crosses his arms. “All of this magic that has been concealing this place requires souls to survive.”


Merevo breathes slowly as he points toward the door. “I have to know how this magic works, adventurers. This ancient magic is so much different from the power and knowledge that we have in our shards. This is a much different prospect and I must know more.” He walks toward the open door with you behind him. You walk through to find yourself in another bedroom, this one just as neat as the one you were in. The windows are slightly dustier, though light is still making it into the room to keep it lit.


As you’re walking, more of the mist forms in front of you and apparitions appear. This time, Dursoia Dorveaux is standing in front of her daughter, Drella. She has her arms on Drella’s shoulders as she gets dressed and prepares for the night. Both women are wearing white dresses with crimson trim around the base and grey trim around the shoulders. “Our new role for our Goddess begins tonight, Drella. Are you ready, love?”


Drella closes her eyes while tilting her head toward the ground. She remains calm and steady as she tries to allow her mother to comfort her. “I’m scared,” Drella answers solemnly. “I don’t know if I can spend all eternity without you, mother. I don’t know if I’m strong enough.”


Durosia reaches forward and pulls her daughter in close to her and embraces her closely. “It’s going to be ok, Drella. I promise. You’re so much stronger than you realize.”


“I don’t think that I am,” retorts Drella. “I don’t think I have the power in me.”


“You do, I promise you. You have that power,” consoles Durosia. She pulls away from Drella and turns her daughter around in her eyes to look directly at her daughter. “Look, I know that you’re going to have direct access to our Goddess and I promise you, I am incredibly jealous of that, but I know that you’re the one who needs to be there. You have the compassion needed to be there while still having the foresight to keep this plantation alive. You are the perfect Dorveaux to be there. Your father is too headstrong and I am too sympathetic. Your brother is too analytical while your younger sister is just too young. You have the perfect mix of your father’s and my best qualities. You’ll be perfect for the cathedral. I promise.”


Drella looks up at her mother with a surprised glance. “Are you sure?”


“I am,” confirms Durosia. “I’m very sure.”


The two apparitions fade away in the mist as a door opens at the far end of the room. "Come on," Merevo states before stepping toward the new door. He moves toward it slowly with you behind him, placing his hand on the door frame before walking into the room.


You find yourself in a very large room with a massive bed in the corner and a seating area near the windows on the far end of the room. “Why do some people insist on massive bedrooms?” questions Merevo playfully as he walks into the room with a smirk, looking back at you as he tries to ease the tension. You stand in the center of the room just outside the doorway, looking around the room and examining it. Large, crimson curtains line the tall windows on both sides of the room. The room is very neat and clean, as if someone was responsible for cleaning it daily.


As you’re standing in the room, the gray mist appears in the sitting area and several apparitions appear in front of you. You see Archius, the High Priest, standing in the center of the room with Regulus Dorveaux on one side of him and Durosia Dorveaux on the other. In front of them, sitting in chairs their hands bound behind their backs were Drella and Relias. Drella appears to be slightly panicked while Relias carries a look of serious intent.


“Both of you have been chosen to serve our goddess, Saeria, for all of eternity. Both of you know your mission and know how critical it is that you do not fail. All of our salvation is reliant on the two of you,” exclaims Archius as he stands behind the two bound children with an obsidian dagger in his hand. “I’ve spoken to the goddess, Saeria, and she has given me her word that she will speak to you on the other side and as you transition to your new bodies and new roles. Have no fear, the Goddess is, and always will be, with you.”


Archius walks in front of the two children and looks into the eyes of each parent, Durosia and Regulus. With a nod from both of them, he plunges the obsidian dagger into the willful chest of Relias. A grimace overtakes his face, followed by a wry smile. Shadows appear on his chest as they slowly move outward toward his shoulders and hips. He looks into the eyes of Archius as his life fades away. Within moments, his face is covered in a black shadow and his head droops down with his soul leaving his body.


Drella looks at her brother as panic sets in. She breathes heavily with her mother directly in front of her. Durosia leans forward and places her hands on Drella's cheeks. “Dear, stay calm. It will be over before you know it and you will be basking in the warmth of Saeria’s love. I promise.”


“No, mother, no. I don’t want to. Please don’t make the High Priest do this!” she pleads as Archius positions himself at Drella's back. He breathes slowly while looking forward to Durosia. The two lock eyes before Durosia nods to him, giving him permission to finish the act. Durosia tilts her head down slightly to affix her eyes with Drella's. 


“It’ll be ok,” mutters Durosia as Archius plunges the obsidian dagger into Drella’s heart from behind. “I love you,” Durosia says softly as she watched the light slowly leave her daughter’s eyes. “I love you.”


Within moments, Drella’s face is covered in the same shadows as her brother and her soul leaves her body. Archius removes the dagger from Drella’s back and holds it in his hands. He walks over to an alter and places the dagger in the center. He hovers his hands over the dagger and closes his eyes. A gray aura appears around his hands and the dagger. Energy swirls around the dagger and it hovers in the air in front of Archius. He opens his eyes, showing a gray hue to the retinas as the dagger spins in the air. After a few quick minutes pass, the dagger drops back down to the altar with Archius breathing heavily in front of it. “It’s done,” he says while breathing exceptionally heavy. “Their souls are with Saeria now.”


The apparitions disappear and standing in the window, Regulus Dorveaux looks out at his plantation. “It takes the souls of the innocent to keep this foul magic running?” asks Merevo as he walks forward.


“It takes souls,” replies Regulus while still looking out the window, refraining from turning to face you and Merevo. “They don’t have to be innocent or guilty. They can be the foulest of individuals or even those on their deathbeds; it matters naught. All that matters is that we are able to get the souls into the gateway.”


Regulus turns and moves toward you slowly. “Ideally, the souls that are gathered are people that Dun-I wouldn’t miss. Whether they’re vagrants who travel from city to city in search of scraps or adventurers who brave the dangers of the world for the sake of their egos, they are the target for Relias, and he has been quite adept at collecting them. Drella, on the other hand, has surprised us all.”


“How so?” asks Merevo.


Regulus smirks as he walks in front of Merevo and stands still. “I haven’t seen the outside world in ages and everything I know about it has come from Archius, who has heard it from Saeria herself. The cathedral and monastery has been converted into a hospital and my daughter makes sure that every soul that leaves the body there goes into the gateway. It’s actually quite brilliant if you think about it. While Relias has done exactly what we have asked of him, Drella has far exceeded her mandate. I’m quite proud of her.”


Merevo looks into Regulus’s eyes. “So is Archius still here?”


“Absolutely,” replies the Master Dorveaux. “He’s quite well-guarded though. I don’t think you’ll be seeing him anytime soon.”


Merevo steps back as he could see a gray mist swirling around Regulus. “I’m sure once we get through you, getting to him won’t be a problem at all.”


“Are you sure you’ll be getting through me?” questions Regulus with a devilish grin. “I haven’t had to show off the knowledge of the Goddess in millennia. I imagine this will be quite enjoyable.”


Commence Battle with Regulus Dorveaux


The Master Dorveaux falls to one knee while looking up at you. “You are all quite powerful indeed,” he states with a wry smile. “I suppose I’ve been out of practice for far too long.”


“Or you’re far too confident of your abilities,” announces a familiar voice coming in from the door behind you. Durosia walks past you and over to her husband. She places her hand on his shoulder and grins roguishly. “Perhaps, dear, we should do this together, just like how we did it during the War of the Gods?”


“Perhaps you’re right, love,” replies Regulus as he rises to his feet. “Perhaps it will take the two of us to rid us of these foul invaders and protect what we’ve built.”


Commence Battle with Regulus Dorveaux and Durosia Dorveaux


The two Dorveaux’s take a step back after the battle. Their hands are glowing with a gray aura as they glance over at one another. “Give everything you have for our goddess!” screams Durosia as they projected two gray rays at you. Once in front of you, the rays create a large dome that surrounds you and pelts you with smaller rays. You shield yourself as best you can, but are still taking damage from the onslaught.


A large, orange ball flies through the room and strikes Regulus in the chest. His concentration is broken and the dome falls apart. “Always having to save you, brother,” announces Jerikko as he walks into the bedroom. Durosia turns her attention to the blonde twin of Merevo as you are down on a knee trying to recover. Durosia's hands begin to glow grey as she prepares to retaliate against Jerikko. “I wouldn’t do that,” mutters Jerikko as he projects another orange ball toward them. Durosia dives out of the way before fading away into the air with her husband doing the same.


Jerikko walks over to Merevo and extends his hand to help him up. “I got your message,” he says while lifting his brother off of the ground. “It was quite subtle. I’m sure all of Sunshire saw it.”


“I knew that you would know it was me,” replies a grateful Merevo. “I’m glad you’re here. There is a foul, ancient magic at play.”


Jerikko scoffs as he looks down at you while you’re still on one knee. “Will it help me in anyway?” 


“Probably not, but there is only one to find out,” Merevo retorts before helping you to your feet. “When you came in, was there a green aura around the door in the center of the foyer?”


“The one with the two white doors?” asks Jerikko, prompting a nod from Merevo. “No, there wasn’t.”


“Then that is our next destination,” answers Merevo. “I would fancy a wager that the high priest is behind those doors.”


Jerikko joins the Party (NPCs act similar to enemies. Consult the rules for more information: Rules and Systems).


You walk back down the stairs and into the ballroom on your way to the foyer. With Jerikko and Merevo leading the pack, you can sense an extraordinary power coming from the two of them. You walk through the hallway and back into the foyer to find the two white, double doors void of any energy. You breathe slowly as Merevo walks up to the doors, only to have Jerikko walk in front of him and push the door open in a brazen manner. "Well alright brother, after you," jokes Merevo before turning back to face you. Merevo smirks as he motions for you to follow Jerikko so that he can follow. 


You walk into a large, open room that has been torn asunder. Books are scattered about that were once on the shelves and a large, blue orb is nestled in the corner of the room. The room has no windows and only one door in, the one that closes behind you as you walk in. Behind the orb, Archius is standing in the same robes he was wearing earlier.


“I thought I heard some commotion,” remarks the high priest as he stood behind the orb and gazes into it. “Please, do come in. It’s been ages since I’ve had the company of mortals.”


“Company of mortals?” asks Jerikko, oblivious to everything that you and his brother had experienced.


“Jerikko, I will explain everything to you once we’re done here,” Merevo states as he steps toward the orb. “Archius, right?”


“Yes, that is my name, Merevo,” replies Archius plainly while keeping his eyes affixed to the orb.


“How do you know who I am?” questions Merevo with a perplexed look smeared across his face. “Does that orb…”


“This orb is the gateway to Surres, the realm of Saeria. All of the souls that are here are bound to this plantation because of this orb,” explains Archius. “It’s an ancient magic that I don’t expect anyone like your brother to understand, but I expect you will comprehend it some.”


Merevo turns and looks back at you while you’re staring at him. Jerikko is standing off to the side looking at the books in hopes of finding a shard or something useful. Merevo turns back around to face Archius. “I’m trying my absolute best to fathom all of this, High Priest, but it is a bit much.”


Archius chuckles as he steps out from behind the orb and walks toward Merevo. “I spent my entire life learning this magic. I don’t expect anyone to fathom it within an afternoon.” As he steps out and looks at you, Regulus and Durosia apparate into the room from the shadows. “I suppose this is the moment where I’m supposed to show you what the true power of a high priest is like, Merevo,” announces Archius as he stood between the two Dorveauxs. “I do hope you enjoy the show.”


“I’m counting on it.”


Commence Battle with Archius, Regulus Dorveaux, and Durosia Dorveaux


The three enemies are stunned as a blue orb appears around them. Archius and the two Dorveauxs look up in a panic as the air around them becomes chilled and foul. From out of the air, a large sword appears and slams into the ground with the blade piercing the wooden floor. You look at the blade in awe, noticing the fine etching on the side of the blade and leather wraps around the hilt. The blade glows with a blue hue as Archius looks on in fear. The door behind you opens up and a woman, clad in blue cloth with silver plate armor covering her torso and thighs appears. She is slightly tanned with her brown hair tied behind her head in a bun.


“Vesya…” mutters Archius as he stares at the Goddess of Law. “Vesya… why are you walking the plain of Dun-I?” he asked timidly as his legs quivered in fear.


She walks up to the high priest and stares into his eyes with everyone else in the room. Behind her, a tall man wearing blue robes and unkempt gray hair enters the room. “Wow!” he shouts as he walks past you toward the Dorveauxs and Archius. “Archius! How many millennia have you been able to keep this place hidden!?” he shouts excitedly, showing the exact opposite of emotions as Vesya.


Derillius, that’s enough,” states Vesya sternly as she gazes into the eyes of Archius. “This High Priest and his Goddess have violated the laws of Dun-I and they must be dealt with accordingly.”


“Vesya, please, show mercy. I beg you, please,” pleads Archius as he drops to his knees to beg for leniency. 


“Who the hell is this wench?” asks Jerikko as he stands up straight and looks over at Vesya.


“Someone who will devour your soul is you call me a wench again,” she retorts angrily without breaking eye contact with Archius. Jerikko, incensed by the comment, creates an orange ball in his hand and projects it rapidly at Vesya. Without turning her head, she holds out her hand and stops the ball in mid air. It hovers briefly under the control of Vesya. After a few short moments, the orange ball dissipates in the air as Jerikko looks on at Vesya in awe. “Master Jerikko, that one was free,” she exclaims in a threatening manner. “The next time you try something like that, I give you my word as the Goddess of Law, it will cost you your life and possibly your soul. Have I made myself clear?”


Jerikko stands still and in shock of the power standing before him. “Yes ma’am,” he says softly, prompting a light chuckle from his brother.


“Master Merevo, is something funny?” asks an annoyed Vesya while she maintains her gaze on Archius.


“Actually, yes, something is pretty funny,” he replies jovially. “It’s not very often that my brother cowers in fear. I find it somewhat amusing.”


Vesya smirks and backs away from Archius, breaking her gaze to turn and look at Merevo. “It is quite amusing,” she says with a slight smirk. “Your brother is a bit of a power-hungry asshole, but I think deep down, he means well, at least so long as you’re around to muzzle him.” She turns and looks at Jerikko, who is now somewhat more perturbed than fearful. “Oh relax, Jerikko,” announces Vesya as she motions for him to calm down. “There’s far more at play here than you getting angry with a God.”


Jerikko looks defeated, yet determined to show her how powerful he really is. As he creates another orange ball in his hand, Derillius walks over and places his hand on Jerikko’s shoulder. “It’s not worth it, lad,” he says softly. “She and I both know how powerful you are. You don’t have to show off for us.”


Jerikko looks up at Derillius and dissipates the orange ball of energy. Vesya glances at Derillius and nods before walking up to you and extending her hand. “Adventurer, it’s good to finally make your acquaintance,” she says while shaking your hand. “As I’m sure you’ve heard, my name is Vesya, and I am the Goddess of Law. I’ve seen some of your exploits over the past few days. It’s quite impressive and we’re going to need someone as powerful as you for what’s recently come up.” She turns and peers over at Derillius. “How long have you known this place was here, God of Intellect?”


Derillius smirks and shrugs his shoulders. “It was pretty well hidden…”


“Yes but you see everything from your perch. Don’t lie to me about this, please. Does Saeria have another link to Dun-I other than this one gateway?” she questions Derillius forcefully  as he tries to appear innocent.


“Yes, she has one more that I am sure of,” he answers slowly and reluctantly. “I’m sorry Vesya. You know I like to stay out of the affairs of you and the other Gods.”


“I know this, but I need to have a word with her and I think it’d be a better conversation if there were a bit of leverage involved,” continues Vesya as she turns away from Derillius. “With Loccaris breaking into Dun-I and invading, we may need to think about getting creative in handling this problem.”


Derillius nods before walking over to Archius. “The other gateway that I know of is on the other side of Sunshire in the hospital,” Derillius states. “It was once…”


“...a monastery and a cathedral for Saeria. I know where it is,” finishes Vesya. She looks down at the ground and breathes slowly while composing her thoughts. “Adventurers, I don’t expect you to accept this, but I’d be grateful if you did. I need you to head to that hospital and confront whoever has possession of Saeria’s other gateway. I will reward you handsomely now for uncovering this plantation as well as when you’ve found the other gateway.” She opens up her hands and a large treasure chest appears in front of you with weapons and armor spilling out of them.


Acquire One of the Following: Brass Shield, Thick Wooden Shield


Acquire One of the Following: Reinforced Hat, Brass Crown, Brass Helm


Acquire One of the Following: Reinforced Clothes, Wool Robe, Brass Armor


Acquire One of the Following: Brass Axe, Brass Greatsword, Brass Scythe, Simple Staff, Wooden Bow


Acquire One of the Following: Wooden Scepter, Brass Dagger, Brass Sword, Silver Runeblade, Brass Spear


Acquire One of the Following: Shard of the Cleric, Shard of Resurrection, Shard of Perception, Shard of the Initiate, Shard of the Trickster


“There will be far more once you’ve found the other gateway and I can have a very serious conversation with the Goddess on the other end,” continues Vesya. “Perhaps these two magical fools will join you?”


Merevo exhales slowly as Derillius steps forward. “Actually, Vesya, I have a job for these two. I need them to head to Teardret to look into something for me. The scholars over there have found some tomes that have piqued my interest and I need them to potentially go and see what’s in them.”


Vesya appears unamused as she turns toward Merevo. “Fine. I think these adventurers will be strong enough for whatever they find in there,” said Vesya. She removes the blue domes from the Dorveauxs and Archius. “I’m not finished with the likes of you yet, but I have business with your Goddess. I will keep my eyes affixed to this place until these adventurers find the other gateway.”


“Adventurers, please don’t hurt Drella, she means well,” pleads Durosia.


Vesya saunters toward Durosia and strikes the matriarch across the side of her face forcefully with the back of her hand. “They will do what they must,” she says angrily as she stares down at Durosia Dorveaux. “Your daughter’s life and soul was voided the moment you let Archius perform that ritual that bound them to Surres.”


Vesya opens up her hands a blue aura appears around you. You blink your eyes and find yourself no longer in the Dorveaux Mansion, but in the streets of Sunshire looking out at the Sunshire Infirmary, your next destination by order of Vesya.


All Players Gain 500 Shard Experience


The journey continues in the Scenario: Sunshire Infirmary 


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store

The Parlor

You opt to turn to the right, heading into the large parlor. As you walk in, the door closes behind softly you and traps you in. The sound of the gears in the door lock clicking sends chills down your spine as you inhale slowly to remain calm. You turn around and try and open the door, prompting a laugh from Merevo. “Have you not learned yet?” he asks you sarcastically. “Whenever a door closes on its own here, it won’t reopen.” You step back from the door and walk into the room with Merevo who is already analyzing the contents of the large parlor. Several chairs and couches are placed throughout the room with tables in between the bulk of them. The furniture is quite ornate and in great shape, almost as if the room is barely used and is only for show. Several vases with large, beautiful flowers are scattered throughout the area to offer a bit of color to the otherwise drab facade while crimson curtains border the windows on the far side of the room. 


After a few short moments, a grey mist fills the room. It is followed by a white aura as several apparitions appear sitting in the chairs and standing around the room. You notice the three men from earlier: the Silo Master, the Stable Master, and the Slave Master. All three are standing near the wall with Regulus Dorveaux standing in front of them and Relias Dorveaux sitting in a chair away from them. A couple of other men are sitting in the chairs looking up at the three men and Master Dorveaux. 


“Are the boundaries set?” asks Regulus as he paces in front of his three subordinates.


“The first boundary, the Silo, is prepared, Master Dorveaux,” says a very subservient Silo Master.


“The slave quarters are also prepared, Master Dorveaux. The boy’s soul is bound there. Nothing will get past the outer buildings,” announces the Slave Master proudly. 


Regulus nodded slowly. “What about the stables?”


The Stable Master nodded slowly. “Yes sir, they’re ready,” he answers solemnly.


Regulus stops his pacing and steps over to the Stable Master, placing his right hand on the Stable Master’s left shoulder. “I understand your sacrifice. I’m making it as well. You’re not alone in your grief, but your son will be treasured and protected by Saeria. I promise.”


“I know, sir,” the Stable Master responds quietly. “It’s very bittersweet, but I understand.”


“It is that,” replies Master Dorveaux. “Gentlemen, it’s been my honor. May the love and guidance of our Goddess and keep you warm when you’re feeling lonely and require strength to persevere.” Regulus turns around as the three men disappear in front of him. He glances over at Relias, who is leaning back in the chair with a sense of determination. “It’s almost time,” announces Regulus. “I know you’re anxious.”


“I’m not anxious, father. I’m ready,” counters Relias. “I’m ready to begin serving my Goddess for eternity. I’m ready for this family to become the staple in her empire of souls.”


Regulus smiles warmly as he walks over to his son and sits down in the chair beside him. “I wish I had another one of you,” he says solemnly. “I don’t think your sister has the fortitude to do what’s going to be asked of her. I think you’re going to have to push her.”


“How is that going to be possible?” questions Relias. “I thought she was going to be bound to the monastery and the cathedral and I’m going to be bound to the city?”


Regulus chuckles. “The two of you will be able to move between the two freely, but neither of you will be able to leave the confines of the area around both,” explains the Master Dorveaux. “I’ve spoken with Archius and he’s confirmed that the two of you will be able to see each other freely, but the two of you will have two separate jobs.” He leans forward and grabs a glass filled with amber liquid and brings it up to his lips. “I’ve also asked if we can bind some of the servants and slaves to outside, so that you will always have people in Sunshire who can assist you in getting the souls we need to the plantation and the same for your the monastery. Archius agreed to do that for us.”


“That’s quite convenient,” asserts Relias. “So I will always have people there to assist in acquiring the souls needed?”


“Absolutely,” confirms Regulus. “It’ll make your tasks a lot easier. Plus, if you ever see the monastery lacking in production, you can always convince the souls bound there that it is in their best interest to do as you say.” Regulus sips from his glass before setting it on the table beside him. “This entire plan hinges on you and your sister, and I cannot leave this to the chance that she will be too sympathetic like her mother. She speaks proudly and sternly, but in reality, your mother is quite soft and I'm worried your sister will be cut from the same mold. I need you to ensure that we get the souls we need for the magic to continue.”


“Of course, father,” affirms Relias. “I will do what I must for my family and my Goddess.”


Regulus smiles proudly as he and his son disappear into the air with the grey mist fading away. The door on the far end of the room opens up, revealing your path."Another door just sporadically opening for us. Either this house is quite polite or they're trying to show us something," Merevo states sarcastically before starting his trek toward the door with you in tow. "Come on. I have a feeling we are getting much closer to the source of this magic." With a soft exhale, you walk through the newly opened door and into the next room. 


You find yourself in a very large room with a massive bed in the corner and a seating area near the windows on the far end of the room. “Why do some people insist on massive bedrooms?” questions Merevo playfully as he walks into the room with a smirk, looking back at you as he tries to ease the tension. You stand in the center of the room just outside the doorway, looking around the room and examining it. Large, crimson curtains line the tall windows on both sides of the room. The room is very neat and clean, as if someone was responsible for cleaning it daily.


As you’re standing in the room, the gray mist appears in the sitting area and several apparitions appear in front of you. You see Archius, the High Priest, standing in the center of the room with Regulus Dorveaux on one side of him and Durosia Dorveaux on the other. In front of them, sitting in chairs their hands bound behind their backs were Drella and Relias. Drella appears to be slightly panicked while Relias carries a look of serious intent.


“Both of you have been chosen to serve our goddess, Saeria, for all of eternity. Both of you know your mission and know how critical it is that you do not fail. All of our salvation is reliant on the two of you,” exclaims Archius as he stands behind the two bound children with an obsidian dagger in his hand. “I’ve spoken to the goddess, Saeria, and she has given me her word that she will speak to you on the other side and as you transition to your new bodies and new roles. Have no fear, the Goddess is, and always will be, with you.”


Archius walks in front of the two children and looks into the eyes of each parent, Durosia and Regulus. With a nod from both of them, he plunges the obsidian dagger into the willful chest of Relias. A grimace overtakes his face, followed by a wry smile. Shadows appear on his chest as they slowly move outward toward his shoulders and hips. He looks into the eyes of Archius as his life fades away. Within moments, his face is covered in a black shadow and his head droops down with his soul leaving his body.


Drella looks at her brother as panic sets in. She breathes heavily with her mother directly in front of her. Durosia leans forward and places her hands on Drella's cheeks. “Dear, stay calm. It will be over before you know it and you will be basking in the warmth of Saeria’s love. I promise.”


“No, mother, no. I don’t want to. Please don’t make the High Priest do this!” she pleads as Archius positions himself at Drella's back. He breathes slowly while looking forward to Durosia. The two lock eyes before Durosia nods to him, giving him permission to finish the act. Durosia tilts her head down slightly to affix her eyes with Drella's. 


“It’ll be ok,” mutters Durosia as Archius plunges the obsidian dagger into Drella’s heart from behind. “I love you,” Durosia says softly as she watched the light slowly leave her daughter’s eyes. “I love you.”


Within moments, Drella’s face is covered in the same shadows as her brother and her soul leaves her body. Archius removes the dagger from Drella’s back and holds it in his hands. He walks over to an alter and places the dagger in the center. He hovers his hands over the dagger and closes his eyes. A gray aura appears around his hands and the dagger. Energy swirls around the dagger and it hovers in the air in front of Archius. He opens his eyes, showing a gray hue to the retinas as the dagger spins in the air. After a few quick minutes pass, the dagger drops back down to the altar with Archius breathing heavily in front of it. “It’s done,” he says while breathing exceptionally heavy. “Their souls are with Saeria now.”


The apparitions disappear and standing in the window, Regulus Dorveaux looks out at his plantation. “It takes the souls of the innocent to keep this foul magic running?” asks Merevo as he walks forward.


“It takes souls,” replies Regulus while still looking out the window, refraining from turning to face you and Merevo. “They don’t have to be innocent or guilty. They can be the foulest of individuals or even those on their deathbeds; it matters naught. All that matters is that we are able to get the souls into the gateway.”


Regulus turns and moves toward you slowly. “Ideally, the souls that are gathered are people that Dun-I wouldn’t miss. Whether they’re vagrants who travel from city to city in search of scraps or adventurers who brave the dangers of the world for the sake of their egos, they are the target for Relias, and he has been quite adept at collecting them. Drella, on the other hand, has surprised us all.”


“How so?” asks Merevo.


Regulus smirks as he walks in front of Merevo and stands still. “I haven’t seen the outside world in ages and everything I know about it has come from Archius, who has heard it from Saeria herself. The cathedral and monastery has been converted into a hospital and my daughter makes sure that every soul that leaves the body there goes into the gateway. It’s actually quite brilliant if you think about it. While Relias has done exactly what we have asked of him, Drella has far exceeded her mandate. I’m quite proud of her.”


Merevo looks into Regulus’s eyes. “So is Archius still here?”


“Absolutely,” replies the Master Dorveaux. “He’s quite well-guarded though. I don’t think you’ll be seeing him anytime soon.”


Merevo steps back as he could see a gray mist swirling around Regulus. “I’m sure once we get through you, getting to him won’t be a problem at all.”


“Are you sure you’ll be getting through me?” questions Regulus with a devilish grin. “I haven’t had to show off the knowledge of the Goddess in millennia. I imagine this will be quite enjoyable.”


Commence Battle with Regulus Dorveaux


The Master Dorveaux falls to one knee while looking up at you. “You are all quite powerful indeed,” he states with a wry smile. “I suppose I’ve been out of practice for far too long.”


“Or you’re far too confident of your abilities,” announces a familiar voice coming in from the door behind you. Durosia walks past you and over to her husband. She places her hand on his shoulder and grins roguishly. “Perhaps, dear, we should do this together, just like how we did it during the War of the Gods?”


“Perhaps you’re right, love,” replies Regulus as he rises to his feet. “Perhaps it will take the two of us to rid us of these foul invaders and protect what we’ve built.”


Commence Battle with Regulus Dorveaux and Durosia Dorveaux


The two Dorveaux’s take a step back after the battle. Their hands are glowing with a gray aura as they glance over at one another. “Give everything you have for our goddess!” screams Durosia as they projected two gray rays at you. Once in front of you, the rays create a large dome that surrounds you and pelts you with smaller rays. You shield yourself as best you can, but are still taking damage from the onslaught.


A large, orange ball flies through the room and strikes Regulus in the chest. His concentration is broken and the dome falls apart. “Always having to save you, brother,” announces Jerikko as he walks into the bedroom. Durosia turns her attention to the blonde twin of Merevo as you are down on a knee trying to recover. Durosia's hands begin to glow grey as she prepares to retaliate against Jerikko. “I wouldn’t do that,” mutters Jerikko as he projects another orange ball toward them. Durosia dives out of the way before fading away into the air with her husband doing the same.


Jerikko walks over to Merevo and extends his hand to help him up. “I got your message,” he says while lifting his brother off of the ground. “It was quite subtle. I’m sure all of Sunshire saw it.”


“I knew that you would know it was me,” replies a grateful Merevo. “I’m glad you’re here. There is a foul, ancient magic at play.”


Jerikko scoffs as he looks down at you while you’re still on one knee. “Will it help me in anyway?” 


“Probably not, but there is only one to find out,” Merevo retorts before helping you to your feet. “When you came in, was there a green aura around the door in the center of the foyer?”


“The one with the two white doors?” asks Jerikko, prompting a nod from Merevo. “No, there wasn’t.”


“Then that is our next destination,” answers Merevo. “I would fancy a wager that the high priest is behind those doors.”


Jerikko joins the Party (NPCs act similar to enemies. Consult the rules for more information: Rules and Systems).


You walk back down the stairs and into the ballroom on your way to the foyer. With Jerikko and Merevo leading the pack, you can sense an extraordinary power coming from the two of them. You walk through the hallway and back into the foyer to find the two white, double doors void of any energy. You breathe slowly as Merevo walks up to the doors, only to have Jerikko walk in front of him and push the door open in a brazen manner. "Well alright brother, after you," jokes Merevo before turning back to face you. Merevo smirks as he motions for you to follow Jerikko so that he can follow. 


You walk into a large, open room that has been torn asunder. Books are scattered about that were once on the shelves and a large, blue orb is nestled in the corner of the room. The room has no windows and only one door in, the one that closes behind you as you walk in. Behind the orb, Archius is standing in the same robes he was wearing earlier.


“I thought I heard some commotion,” remarks the high priest as he stood behind the orb and gazes into it. “Please, do come in. It’s been ages since I’ve had the company of mortals.”


“Company of mortals?” asks Jerikko, oblivious to everything that you and his brother had experienced.


“Jerikko, I will explain everything to you once we’re done here,” Merevo states as he steps toward the orb. “Archius, right?”


“Yes, that is my name, Merevo,” replies Archius plainly while keeping his eyes affixed to the orb.


“How do you know who I am?” questions Merevo with a perplexed look smeared across his face. “Does that orb…”


“This orb is the gateway to Surres, the realm of Saeria. All of the souls that are here are bound to this plantation because of this orb,” explains Archius. “It’s an ancient magic that I don’t expect anyone like your brother to understand, but I expect you will comprehend it some.”


Merevo turns and looks back at you while you’re staring at him. Jerikko is standing off to the side looking at the books in hopes of finding a shard or something useful. Merevo turns back around to face Archius. “I’m trying my absolute best to fathom all of this, High Priest, but it is a bit much.”


Archius chuckles as he steps out from behind the orb and walks toward Merevo. “I spent my entire life learning this magic. I don’t expect anyone to fathom it within an afternoon.” As he steps out and looks at you, Regulus and Durosia apparate into the room from the shadows. “I suppose this is the moment where I’m supposed to show you what the true power of a high priest is like, Merevo,” announces Archius as he stood between the two Dorveauxs. “I do hope you enjoy the show.”


“I’m counting on it.”


Commence Battle with Archius, Regulus Dorveaux, and Durosia Dorveaux


The three enemies are stunned as a blue orb appears around them. Archius and the two Dorveauxs look up in a panic as the air around them becomes chilled and foul. From out of the air, a large sword appears and slams into the ground with the blade piercing the wooden floor. You look at the blade in awe, noticing the fine etching on the side of the blade and leather wraps around the hilt. The blade glows with a blue hue as Archius looks on in fear. The door behind you opens up and a woman, clad in blue cloth with silver plate armor covering her torso and thighs appears. She is slightly tanned with her brown hair tied behind her head in a bun.


“Vesya…” mutters Archius as he stares at the Goddess of Law. “Vesya… why are you walking the plain of Dun-I?” he asked timidly as his legs quivered in fear.


She walks up to the high priest and stares into his eyes with everyone else in the room. Behind her, a tall man wearing blue robes and unkempt gray hair enters the room. “Wow!” he shouts as he walks past you toward the Dorveauxs and Archius. “Archius! How many millennia have you been able to keep this place hidden!?” he shouts excitedly, showing the exact opposite of emotions as Vesya.


Derillius, that’s enough,” states Vesya sternly as she gazes into the eyes of Archius. “This High Priest and his Goddess have violated the laws of Dun-I and they must be dealt with accordingly.”


“Vesya, please, show mercy. I beg you, please,” pleads Archius as he drops to his knees to beg for leniency. 


“Who the hell is this wench?” asks Jerikko as he stands up straight and looks over at Vesya.


“Someone who will devour your soul is you call me a wench again,” she retorts angrily without breaking eye contact with Archius. Jerikko, incensed by the comment, creates an orange ball in his hand and projects it rapidly at Vesya. Without turning her head, she holds out her hand and stops the ball in mid air. It hovers briefly under the control of Vesya. After a few short moments, the orange ball dissipates in the air as Jerikko looks on at Vesya in awe. “Master Jerikko, that one was free,” she exclaims in a threatening manner. “The next time you try something like that, I give you my word as the Goddess of Law, it will cost you your life and possibly your soul. Have I made myself clear?”


Jerikko stands still and in shock of the power standing before him. “Yes ma’am,” he says softly, prompting a light chuckle from his brother.


“Master Merevo, is something funny?” asks an annoyed Vesya while she maintains her gaze on Archius.


“Actually, yes, something is pretty funny,” he replies jovially. “It’s not very often that my brother cowers in fear. I find it somewhat amusing.”


Vesya smirks and backs away from Archius, breaking her gaze to turn and look at Merevo. “It is quite amusing,” she says with a slight smirk. “Your brother is a bit of a power-hungry asshole, but I think deep down, he means well, at least so long as you’re around to muzzle him.” She turns and looks at Jerikko, who is now somewhat more perturbed than fearful. “Oh relax, Jerikko,” announces Vesya as she motions for him to calm down. “There’s far more at play here than you getting angry with a God.”


Jerikko looks defeated, yet determined to show her how powerful he really is. As he creates another orange ball in his hand, Derillius walks over and places his hand on Jerikko’s shoulder. “It’s not worth it, lad,” he says softly. “She and I both know how powerful you are. You don’t have to show off for us.”


Jerikko looks up at Derillius and dissipates the orange ball of energy. Vesya glances at Derillius and nods before walking up to you and extending her hand. “Adventurer, it’s good to finally make your acquaintance,” she says while shaking your hand. “As I’m sure you’ve heard, my name is Vesya, and I am the Goddess of Law. I’ve seen some of your exploits over the past few days. It’s quite impressive and we’re going to need someone as powerful as you for what’s recently come up.” She turns and peers over at Derillius. “How long have you known this place was here, God of Intellect?”


Derillius smirks and shrugs his shoulders. “It was pretty well hidden…”


“Yes but you see everything from your perch. Don’t lie to me about this, please. Does Saeria have another link to Dun-I other than this one gateway?” she questions Derillius forcefully  as he tries to appear innocent.


“Yes, she has one more that I am sure of,” he answers slowly and reluctantly. “I’m sorry Vesya. You know I like to stay out of the affairs of you and the other Gods.”


“I know this, but I need to have a word with her and I think it’d be a better conversation if there were a bit of leverage involved,” continues Vesya as she turns away from Derillius. “With Loccaris breaking into Dun-I and invading, we may need to think about getting creative in handling this problem.”


Derillius nods before walking over to Archius. “The other gateway that I know of is on the other side of Sunshire in the hospital,” Derillius states. “It was once…”


“...a monastery and a cathedral for Saeria. I know where it is,” finishes Vesya. She looks down at the ground and breathes slowly while composing her thoughts. “Adventurers, I don’t expect you to accept this, but I’d be grateful if you did. I need you to head to that hospital and confront whoever has possession of Saeria’s other gateway. I will reward you handsomely now for uncovering this plantation as well as when you’ve found the other gateway.” She opens up her hands and a large treasure chest appears in front of you with weapons and armor spilling out of them.


Acquire One of the Following: Brass Shield, Thick Wooden Shield


Acquire One of the Following: Reinforced Hat, Brass Crown, Brass Helm


Acquire One of the Following: Reinforced Clothes, Wool Robe, Brass Armor


Acquire One of the Following: Brass Axe, Brass Greatsword, Brass Scythe, Simple Staff, Wooden Bow


Acquire One of the Following: Wooden Scepter, Brass Dagger, Brass Sword, Silver Runeblade, Brass Spear


Acquire One of the Following: Shard of the Cleric, Shard of Resurrection, Shard of Perception, Shard of the Initiate, Shard of the Trickster


“There will be far more once you’ve found the other gateway and I can have a very serious conversation with the Goddess on the other end,” continues Vesya. “Perhaps these two magical fools will join you?”


Merevo exhales slowly as Derillius steps forward. “Actually, Vesya, I have a job for these two. I need them to head to Teardret to look into something for me. The scholars over there have found some tomes that have piqued my interest and I need them to potentially go and see what’s in them.”


Vesya appears unamused as she turns toward Merevo. “Fine. I think these adventurers will be strong enough for whatever they find in there,” said Vesya. She removes the blue domes from the Dorveauxs and Archius. “I’m not finished with the likes of you yet, but I have business with your Goddess. I will keep my eyes affixed to this place until these adventurers find the other gateway.”


“Adventurers, please don’t hurt Drella, she means well,” pleads Durosia.


Vesya saunters toward Durosia and strikes the matriarch across the side of her face forcefully with the back of her hand. “They will do what they must,” she says angrily as she stares down at Durosia Dorveaux. “Your daughter’s life and soul was voided the moment you let Archius perform that ritual that bound them to Surres.”


Vesya opens up her hands a blue aura appears around you. You blink your eyes and find yourself no longer in the Dorveaux Mansion, but in the streets of Sunshire looking out at the Sunshire Infirmary, your next destination by order of Vesya.


All Players Gain 500 Shard Experience


The journey continues in the Scenario: Sunshire Infirmary 


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store


Archius Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
500 4 4 14 8
Shadow Blast (9+) Deal magical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Shadow Pulse (15+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Archius recovers health equal to the amount of damage dealt.
The Dorveaux Daughter
The Dorveaux Daughter Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
400 2 2 12 14
Energy Blast (12+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Mesmerize (16+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. All target's damage over the next three turns heals the Dorveaux Daughter.
Dorveaux Soldier
Dorveaux Soldier Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
125 5 5 0 14
Shadowclub (12+) Deal physical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target's PHY and MAG are reduced by 2 for the remainder of the encounter. This ability stacks.
Durosia Dorveaux
Durosia Dorveaux Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
250 6 2 9 12
Mother's Love (10+) Durosia Dorveaux and all allies recover health equal to the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Shadow Trance (14+) All enemies lose the entirety of their defense bonus for two turns or until they take damage.
Mansion Demon
Mansion Demon Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
200 2 2 18 18
Energy Blast (12+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Mesmerize (16+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Target's damage over the next three turns heals the Mansion Demon.
Hypnotic Blast (19+) Deal magical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. All targets next card played into the field will result in zero damage to the Mansion Demon, whether a basic attack or an ability used.
Regulus Dorveaux
Regulus Dorveaux Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
300 9 9 1 6
Bash (11+) Deal physical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Sweeping Cleave (15+) Deal physical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.


Merevo Dorveaux Plantation NPC
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
140 3 3 6 5
Blast (12+) Select a target for Merevo. Deal magical damage to the target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Knowledgable Wave (15+) Deal magical damage to all enemies for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. All targets lose 3 defense for the next 4 turns.
Jerikko Dorveaux Plantation NPC
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
140 3 3 7 5
Blast (12+) Select a target for Jerikko. Deal magical damage to the target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Powerful Wave (15+) Deal magical damage to all enemies for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. All targets lose 3 physical and magical for the next 4 turns.