An Interactive Novel

Whispers in the Fog


Sunshire, a city situated perfectly between Fierrak and Werz on the Sariak River, has always been regarded as a city of mystery and intrigue. Commerce flows freely to the small villages to the north of Sunshire, leaving the local magistrates to leave the city alone, so long as money is still there to be made. Vagrants, vagabonds, and other unsavory people tend to become lost and forgotten in Sunshire, though it always those who would never be missed by anyone. The Confederation of Small Kingdoms doesn’t ask questions when the homeless are removed from the streets of Sunshire, as they aren’t ones to contribute to society.

The people of Sunshire are industrious and hard-working, taking no care or concern with the events that take place in the city. They’re safe and live their lives in peace with the Mayor and the local magistrate keeping the commerce flowing. The ships still dock in their piers and the caravans still come and go on time.

However, something still feels off about the city of Sunshire. It is one of the oldest cities in Dun-I, and with a reputation of eerie and unworldly things going on. While walking the cobblestone streets of Sunshire, you start to feel uneasy. A fog comes over the city from the river as you walk through the area. With your vision becoming somewhat obscured, you begin hearing whispers coming from afar. You stand still and try and focus your attention off into the distance. You remain as still as possible as a cool chill comes over your body. “Come,” you hear in your hear as the fog becomes more dense.

You breathe slowly as you try and remain calm. “Come, travelers,” you continue to hear. In front of you, the fog starts to clear, revealing a dark structure surrounded by iron bars.

This Journey Continues in the Scenario: The Mayor’s Mansion
