An Interactive Novel

Shard of the Lunar Eclipse

Shard of the Lunar Eclipse
Role Damage, Elemental
Total XP for Level 2 1000 Level 2 Bonus Physical +4
Total XP for Level 3 2000 Level 3 Bonus Physical +7
Lunar Strike (Flush) Deal physical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Reduce target’s DEF by 2 for the Remainder of the Encounter.
X-Strike (E.S. Flush) Other player must have the Shard of the Solar Eclipse equipped. Deal physical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus plus 20.
Lunar Cleave (Straight) Deal physical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Reduce all target’s DEF by 2 for the Remainder of the Encounter.
Enfeebling Cleave (E.S. Straight) Other player must have the Shard of the Solar Eclipse equipped. Deal physical damage to all enemies for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus plus 20. All enemies DEF is reduced by 8 for the remainder of the encounter.
Moonfall (3 of a Kind) Deal physical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Reduce the DEF of all enemies by 5 for the remainder of the encounter.
Mournful Judgment (E.S. 3 of a Kind) Other player must have the Shard of the Solar Eclipse equipped. Deal physical damage to all enemies for the total amount of the cards plus three times the total physical bonus of both players.