ScribbCrib Interactive Novel System

May 8, 2019

SINS is the ScribbCrib Interactive Novel System, and it is a unique tabletop experience that focuses on narrative gameplay instead of open-world roleplaying. It is believed that a great narrative makes a great experience, and that’s what SINS focuses on: player experience.

SINS is built around choice. In a scenario arc or campaign with SINS, the players will be focused more on the overarching narrative than simple exploration and objectives. Players will encounter robust Non Playable Characters (NPCs) who will assist them on their journey. Players will exist in a setting where they are surrounded by a moving narrative that has affected the area.

In SINS, the players are sometimes not the focal point, but are auxiliary characters serving a higher master. The players will be sent on quests and missions by the other characters in an attempt to achieve a higher goal.

When playing a campaign using SINS, instead of focusing on explorative based decisions (rolling a dice to see what you can see or hear just through normal means), all of these are given upon entering the area.


The examples in this section will follow the party of Gilbert, a lowly human who wanders from town to town in search of adventures and his band of miscreants. His party consists of himself; Helga, the runaway princess from a land no one cares about; Jackson, a man so pretty that he cannot bear not to stop and look at himself in the mirror; Wilma, the chamber wench from Gilbert’s favorite pub, and Pierre, a man who refuses to get dirty but always manages to have his head in a book.


Next Page: What Makes SINS Different?


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