Creating Your Own Content

May 9, 2019

Creating a campaign with SINS is fairly simple and straightforward. You’re creating an Interactive Novel, so build a fantastic narrative for your players to enjoy.


The first thing is to get your mind right. In SINS, the players will be somewhat on rails. You will take a lot of roleplaying decisions from them. The second thing that you have to remember is that SINS is about choice, not exploration. Don’t have the players tell you what they’re doing in order to discover what’s in the room, instead, tell them what they see as they enter it. Paint a vivid picture for them. Don’t waste time with rolls for what they “might” see if they roll high enough. Go ahead and let them have all of the information and, if you feel that the players do something in the room that assists them, go ahead and have them do it.


Notes for Game Masters: As a Game Master, you are allowed to interact with the players when it comes to the setting. If they enter a cave with a bright blue hue radiating from the top of a large waterfall, they may ask “Can we see what the light is or where it’s actually coming from?” If this is pertinent information, feel free to give it to them, especially if it has to do with a future choice that they might make. If one of the choices is, “Go up and see where the light is,” then it may not be prudent to give all of that information, but that’s up to your discretion.


Finally, when creating a campaign in SINS, have an idea of where you want to take the story. It is not advisable to improv using SINS, as you may find yourself in a position where you will have a great number of plot holes and find yourself in an awkward spot to be in.




If you create your own content, we at ScribbCrib would love to see it. We are always on the lookout for more authors who are willing to create content within the confines of SINS, and if your work is something that fits our criteria, we’d be happy to negotiate royalties and the like with you. How cool would it be to have your own content published for the world to play through and get paid for it?


Next Page: Role Playing in SINS

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